CHIC 2015

About CHIC

NWC-Event-CHIC-2015-600x350Beginning in 1956, hundreds of high school age Covenanters gathered together as the Covenant High Congress. This event has morphed through the years moving from regional camps centered on small group Bible study, large group gatherings with speakers, music, and recreation to outgrowing such venues. This growth prompted a change and in 1972, the East and West Coast Congresses combined, necessitating a location that was more conducive to the nearly 1,500 students who attended.

This legacy has become what is now “Covenant High in Christ”, best recognized as “CHIC” by the thousands who attend and tens of thousands who have attended, and continue to support this ministry.

From the time they arrive, CHICsters are stunned not only by the volume of the music but also by the sheer number of their peers who have intentionally gathered out of a desire to play, worship, learn, and grow in understanding and in faith with others from throughout the US, Canada, and abroad.

CHIC acts as a catalyst in students’ lives, helping them see the big pictures of God’s Kingdom and inspiring them to dive deeper in their faith – together. Through dynamic speakers, relevant messages, small groups, Base Camps, and worship CHIC Inspires students to live transformed lives – even giving of their time and resources to impact local communities and the world.

Through the years CHIC has been modified and diversified, innovated and revolutionized; however, a few key elements remain; CHIC is a triennial event where thousands of youth gather for small group Bible study and devotion, large group gatherings with speakers and music, and outdoor recreation. Praise be to God, faithful throughout the ages.

July 12-17, 2015 · Knoxville, TN

High school students are eligible to attend CHIC if:

  • They will complete grade 9, 10, 11, or 12 in the 2014-2015 school year, AND
  • They will be at least 15 years old as of September 1, 2015

Note: Seniors may attend CHIC2015 even if they attended CHIC2012

  • Volunteers must be out of high school for at least 1 year
  • Counselors must be older than 21 years by September 15, 2015

Visit the official CHIC 2015 site for more details or to register online.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, MN, from 12-3 pm. Bring your own lunch with you.

Our focus will be young emerging leaders who are entering 8th – 12th grade this fall. Visit the Emerge page for details.

Crossroads Church in Woodbury is excited to again host the Most Unbelievable Ultimate Urban Camping Experience, a.k.a. MUUUCE!!!

The MUUUCE team has been planning, preparing and praying for months, that this year will be even more amazing than last year. For those of you unfamiliar with MUUUCE, it is an unforgettable, spiritual, high-energy three-day event where Northwest Conference youth leaders are able to build relationships with young teens. With hundreds of middle school students and leaders coming from all over our conference, our goal is to create moments that, by God’s grace, lead to a relationship with Jesus Christ and relationships with others in the church.

Who: Students entering grades 6-9 in the fall of 2015

When: August 6 – 8, 2015

Arrive: Thursday between 3:30 – 5:30 pm. The Welcome Carnival starts at 4:00 pm (you don’t want to miss this!)

Depart: Saturday about 11:00 am

Cost: Standard registration (July 15 – August 1 or until MUUUCE fills up): $109

Leaders: Leaders must be at least 18 years old & have graduated from high school. Leaders must have completed a background check within the last two years. There must be at least one leader for every eight students, based on gender.

Activities: Valleyfair, Pinz, Welcome Carnival, practical & relevant teaching, amazing worship, CHAOS, yummy food, & more!

Check-in/Sleeping: Cottage Grove Middle School at 9775 Indian Blvd S, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. On Thursday, you’ll go here first to check-in and drop off your gear. Then you’ll head to Crossroads for the Welcome Carnival and the evening session.

Host site/sessions: Crossroads Church, Woodbury MN

To register: The MUUUCE registration system is intended to be used solely for registering an entire group and not for individuals to register themselves. We ask that ONLY the youth pastor, or ONE representative for the youth pastor, utilize the online registration system to register all attendees from your church.

Register online at:

For registration materials and more, download the 2015 Registration Form in the tab below to get started.

MOVE (Mission Outreach Venture and Experience) is April 4-5 at First Covenant, Minneapolis. It’s two days of learning, serving and experiencing an urban environment for high school students. Check out our MOVE page for more details.

Engage in theological dialogue, COVtalks, fitness options, spiritual connections, community groups, roundtable discussions, peer learning, just a few of the highlights for Youth Worker Connection 2014 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL.

Andrew Root will lead our theological dialogue. The Olson Baalson Associate Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Root writes and researches in areas of theology and youth ministry. He will share insights from his most recent book, “The Relational Pastor.”

An education outreach program that’s designed to open a pathway to college for under-represented students and families. VIVE 2014 will take place at Hope Academy in Minneapolis. Visit our VIVE page for more info.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

MOVE 2013 will take place at First Covenant Church in Minneapolis. Visit our MOVE page for more details.

Recharge is a ministry that was started by ministry workers, for ministry workers. This grass-roots conversation started with a desire to serve local churches with an excellent, team-oriented event that inspires and equips people in children’s, youth and family ministry. Since 2004, Recharge has been a place to gather with others who have a passion to help kids and families love, follow and serve Jesus Christ. Come and bring your team to a unique, inspirational training event right in your area.

Recharge 2014 will take place at Grace Fellowship, Brooklyn Park

Recharge is a ministry that was started by ministry workers, for ministry workers. This grass-roots conversation started with a desire to serve local churches with an excellent, team-oriented event that inspires and equips people in children’s, youth and family ministry. Since 2004, Recharge has been a place to gather with others who have a passion to help kids and families love, follow and serve Jesus Christ. Come and bring your team to a unique, inspirational training event right in your area.

Soong-Chan Rah will be our speaker in April. YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers (joined by NWC Church Planters this month!) to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

YPC is a great time to gather as Youth Pastors and Youth Workers to extend support to one another, to stay informed on trends in our field and to sharpen our skills & foundations for ministry. We meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church, usually the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 12-3 pm.  Bring your own lunch with you.

Location: Knoxville, TN. Open to high school students completing grades 9 through 12 by September 2012. Visit the CHIC 2012 site for more details. 

Location: Bloomington Covenant Church. Click to download promo materials and read more about our annual student leadership training event. 

More details coming soon, but mark your calendars for M.O.V.E. 2012! We have designed M.O.V.E. to be an intensive and practical mission experience. We expect participants to have their worldview expanded, to be inspired as God’s Kingdom workforce in the world, and to have opportunity to extend the hope and love of Christ with those experiencing unmet needs.

Adventures in Leadership (A.I.L.) is a leadership camp for high school students facilitated by the Northwest Conference to develop and strengthen their leadership skills. Learn More