
We’re all here to serve you

Kara Stromberg, Superintendent

As Superintendent, Kara is constitutionally the “Pastor and Chief Executive Officer of the NWC and its mission.” Kara works in the areas of leadership development, clergy support, strategic planning, conflict resolution, administrative and strategic staff oversight, and with churches in the pastoral search process.

Scott Nelson, Associate Superintendent

As Associate Superintendent, Scott focuses on church planting and leadership development with a heart to help churches and pastors join Jesus on mission and expand mission. Scott has 30 years of experience in the local church, serving across the country as a youth pastor, church planter and lead pastor.

Jon Kramka, Director of Congregational Vitality

As Director of Congregational Vitality, Jon walks alongside our churches as they address issues of vitality and supports local churches in planting ministries in their communities.

Hollis Kim, Director of Ministerial Health & Connections

As Director of Ministerial Health & Connections, Hollis’ work focuses on resourcing and encouraging pastors and their families to keep growing in ministerial health, and connecting pastors with one another for mutual encouragement and support.

Ginny Olson, Director of Youth Ministry

Ginny oversees training and support for conference youth workers, as well as facilitates current and new conference-wide youth events.

Sara Sosa, Director of Children & Family Ministry

Sara serves as a resource and advocate for churches in the area of children and family ministry. She also convenes regular connections for children’s ministry leaders.

Greg Ellis, Latino Liaison

Greg serves as liaison between Latino pastors and the NWC, ensuring strong communication and collaboration. The Liaison works to support, strengthen and expand the Spanish-speaking ministry in the NWC. Greg is a bilingual leader, pastors a house church called The Table, and oversees coaching for Missional Vitality within the ECC.

Sandy Norris, Director of Finance

Sandy provides financial support and consultation to the NWC, its related entities and the broader Church. This includes assisting new and existing churches with financial matters, providing financial oversight for NWC ministry, and interfacing with affiliated ministries and the ECC.

Cheryl Theilen, Director of Administration

Cheryl manages the Conference office and performs administrative functions, provides staff support, does the bookkeeping, works with all those in the credentialing process, and coordinates conference events (ie, annual meeting, CHIC bus).

Bryan Malley, Director of Communications

Bryan produces content for and designs newsletters, e-mails, flyers, brochures, and other promotional materials. He is also responsible for managing the NWC website.

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