NWC Strategic Ministry Grant Initiative
To celebrate the goodness of God, the NWC will provide mission grants to churches to grow ministry and engage their communities with the good news and good works of Jesus Christ, with the goal of individual and community transformation. This is consistent with our Covenant mission that embraces the dual mandate of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment for the church.
Rationale: The Northwest Conference is for the local church. Everything we do centers around developing leaders and thriving churches for God’s glory and neighbor’s good. God has been faithful and has blessed the NWC abundantly. As we celebrate 140 years as a Conference, our staff and executive board desire to invest back into the local church through grants that support local strategic initiatives.
Available funds will be awarded to churches in two categories: Capacity building and community ministry. Capacity building grants are for the purpose of strengthening discipleship, worship or administrative ministries within the church, and community ministry grants are outward focused, primarily for the well-being of the surrounding community.
Grants of up to $6,000 are available to Northwest Conference churches who have demonstrated commitment to the NWC and ECC through shared connection, engagement and resourcing. This is a limited fund, and we will extend grants until the fund is depleted.
Capacity Building grant criteria:
Funding priority will be given to initiatives that meet these criteria:
- Demonstrate how this initiative will enable the church to more clearly and effectively build ministry capacity that communicates the Gospel and develops disciples who develop disciples.
- Are in alignment with the church’s mission and vision, and ECC priorities
- Are conducted through, accountable to, or linked directly to a Covenant church(es);
- Demonstrate the ability to strengthen or build up existing ministries of the church and empower the church for mission
- Demonstrate a plan for sustainability
Community Ministry Grant Criteria:
Funding priority will be given to ministries that meet these criteria:
- Communicate the Gospel in word and deed as stated in Luke 4:18-19, exhibiting compassion, justice, mercy and good news to those in need;
- Are conducted through, accountable to, or linked directly to a Covenant church(es);
- Promote an increasing number of Covenanters engaged in community mission efforts that strategically leverage the importance of relationships in ministry;
- Demonstrate a plan for sustainability
- Influence individual and/or community transformation.
Guidelines for grant requests:
Grants are available to help start or expand community ministry initiatives or build capacity with ministries on a per request basis as funds are available. Please download, read carefully, complete and submit the NWC Strategic Ministry Grant Initiative Application.pdf to apply.
Questions: Contact Jon Kramka at 612-721-4893 or by email.