Mentoring can be lifechanging for pastors, young and old
Mentoring is one of the many ways our pastors are being strengthened in their roles. It is most often not a formal process—but it can be a life-changing process for leaders at all stages of life. Here is a recent testimony from one of our young leaders, Pastor Nathan Hillman from Thomastown Covenant Church in Staples, MN.
“I’ve never been a DIY person. Whether it was learning to change the oil in my car or learning to communicate with people in healthy ways, I’ve always needed a lot of help. I guess that’s why, eight years ago, I was so thrilled that I got to start hanging out on a monthly basis with retired Covenant pastor, Merrill Kindall. Merrill has encouraged me, listened to me, prayed for me, and told me countless relevant stories from his own life and ministry. I thank God for him. Ministry today is too complex and dangerous for DIY.”
A simple approach for pastors looking for a mentor can be asking a more experienced pastor for the privilege of meeting periodically just to ask the two or three most current questions on your mind related to life and ministry.
The recent report, “The State of Pastors,” from Barna Research and Pepperdine University, states that there are more pastors over 65 years old still serving than all pastors under 40. This reveals at least two important things. There is a good supply of mentors out there, and there is a massive transition of leadership just ahead that suggests an urgent need for mentoring.