
Introducing The 10:02 Prayer Initiative

Set an alarm to pray Luke 10:2 at 10:02 am every day.

The world is struggling with mental health decline, and almost 50 percent of adults are struggling with medical-grade loneliness. Clergy burnout rates are high and we are facing a national clergy shortage. When Jesus looked at the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were harassed and confused—like sheep without shepherds. We are praying for more leaders, pastors and church planters who will join Jesus in the work of the harvest.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into his harvest field” (Luke 10:2).

Pray for more leaders. Ask the Lord to raise up more people who will be spiritual leaders at church, at home, at work and in the community. Pray for these leaders to be deeply rooted, emotionally healthy, and committed to the mission of Jesus to share hope with a hurting world.

Pray for more pastors. Ask the Lord to call more people into vocational ministry, and pray for others to recognize and empower this calling. Pray for pastors to get the support they need, and pray that they pursue drifting sheep. The Northwest Conference is asking churches to consider having unlicensed ministry staff or high-level leaders go through the licensing process.

Pray for more church planters. More churches are needed to reach different languages, unchurched people, and new regions (including further west in the Dakotas). Just like a new coffee shop or restaurant in town, new churches reach new people and form new spaces for people to connect. The Northwest Conference wants every church to be part of planting, starting with prayer.

Please join us by setting a daily alarm for 10:02 a.m. (or whenever works best for you) and pray Luke 10:2. Prayer makes a difference—it moves our hearts to Christ’s compassion and moves our feet to follow our Savior into a world that needs God’s love, hope and healing.