Retreat begins 1 p.m. Monday and ends 1 p.m. Tuesday after lunch
LEADERS: Jeff Burton (Director of Pastoral Care & Development, Northwest Conference) and Hollis Kim (Pastor, Good Shepherd Covenant Church, Blaine, MN)
TITLE: Transition Curves: Successfully Navigating New Directions
Description: One of the characteristics of new or redesigned roads is the presence of transition curves. Such curves are used to navigate gradual changes of direction instead of abrupt right angle turns. Transition curves allow for the continuation of momentum (slight speed reduction) while changing direction. By definition such curves are complex; the radius always changing. Come away with sisters and brothers in your age group who are facing such curves.
PARTICIPANTS: Covenant pastors and ministry staff who are 55+
REGISTRATION: Minimum 10, maximum 20 / Confirm your reservation with Jeff Burton by Aug. 15 using email form on our Staff page.
FEE: $30 per participant – includes 3 meals, coffee breaks, and 1 overnight
CHECKS: Payable to the Northwest Conference
BRING: Bible, sleeping bag/bedroll, pillow, and towel