
End of year celebration Connection with Bob Stromberg gives leaders a ‘mandate to create’

Bob-Stromberg-Connection-2Roughly 60 people from four connections who have been meeting monthly this year gathered together for one big celebratory end-of-year event with author, storyteller, speaker and comedian Bob Stromberg.

The event included lunch (the bring-your-own kind) and testimonies of how God is at work in our lives and ministries. Children and youth ministers, church planters and senior leadership all mingled together in a mixer that tested everyone’s linguistic skills in creating crazy run-on sentences about ministry.

Bob shared for nearly two hours about creativity and how everyone was born to create. He claimed that to get your masters in creativity, you have to GIT it! The acronym “git” stands for grab, interrogate and transform.

First, you grab any thoughts or ideas that move you emotionally, and capture them somehow so you don’t forget. Step two is interrogate—frequently coming back to your list to wonder about why these thoughts still grab you. Transforming involves finding a proper form for the idea—poetry, preaching, dance, theater—then practice, practice, practice. Ministry leaders were sent into the summer months with a mandate to create!

The staff of the Northwest Conference believes strongly in the value of connections. It is our hope that all pastors and ministry leaders will be connected somehow to one another so that we can all be encouraged and strengthened in ministry. Look for details about fall connections later this summer, or contact the Northwest Conference to see how you can network with others in ministry.