Camping ministry in the Northwest Conference
Bluewater Covenant Bible Camp, Grand Rapids, MN
The mission of Bluewater Covenant Bible Camp is to provide both a spiritually and physically enthusiastic environment that brings adults, youth and children into loving relationship with God and others through Jesus Christ.
Covenant Park Bible Camp, Mahtowa, MN
Covenant Park is host to youth camps, as well as adult, family, and church retreats. Their aim is “to strengthen love for Christ, self and each other through positive relationships, experiences and memories.”
Covenant Pines Bible Camp, McGregor MN
Covenant Pines Bible Camp, a ministry of the Twin Cities Covenant Churches, exists to reach people of all ages with the gospel message of Jesus Christ through an experience in a Christian environment located in a natural setting.
Adventurous Christians/Covenant Wilderness Center, Grand Marais, MN
Adventurous Christians (AC) is a rustic year-round wilderness center of the covenant church owned and operated by Covenant Pines Bible Camp. Their mission is to provide a Christian environment where people encounter God in the wilderness and in a Christian community.
Lake Beauty Covenant Bible Camp, Long Prairie, MN
Lake Beauty’s mission is to encourage youth, adults and families to discover and strengthen a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ through high quality Christian camp experiences that consistently proclaim Jesus and reflect His love.