What is the Northwest Conference?

The Northwest Conference is comprised of roughly 140 Evangelical Covenant Churches in MN, ND, SD, western WI, and northern IA. These churches come in all shapes and sizes. They are urban, ethnic, town & country and suburban.

Ministry Priorities



Congregational Vitality is a result of the living God breathing new life into the heart of a congregation.

Vitality is the wind of the Spirit … “a rushing wind so wild and strong,” as the old hymn goes. Our role is to raise our sails and catch this wind.

Vitality is nothing less than a spiritual awakening in Christ. It is not about sustaining and maintaining; it’s about thriving, growing and depending on God to lead us deeper in Christ and further in mission.

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Church Planting is a Biblical pattern for mission. Your church is part of a rich history. It was started at one point in time. And because it was, each of you has been touched. So have untold others through the years.

Now we have the opportunity to do for others what others first did for us. We can take the same spirit that founded our existing congregations and establish other congregations committed to living out the hope of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

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The goal of NWC Children, Youth & Family Ministries is to promote shared growth in our churches by offering strategic training, support and resources for those serving in these ministry areas.

The Northwest Conference also collaborates with local churches to create events that directly impact children and youth.

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ECC Newswire

LeRoy M. Johnson

Covenant minister and president emeritus of Covenant Trust Company LeRoy M. Johnson died February 8, 2025. He was 92.

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More Cov Doings: Anniversary Edition

We love in-depth storytelling, but for brief stories that we want to share with our Covenant family, we’re bringing back a familiar format from the blogging age: the roundup post.

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Losing Well

How can we share the gospel in a skeptical world without compromising or withdrawing? Peter A. Kozushko explores the surprising strength of “losing well”—responding to resistance with confidence and humility—and shows how cheerfully humble faith can open unexpected doors for deeper, more meaningful conversations.

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Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

Rev. Douglas Cedarleaf’s prophetic sermon, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done,” originally preached in 1963, challenges us to reflect on what it truly means to pray for God’s kingdom on earth.

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Confession as Formation and Proclamation

Could authentic confession be the key to effective evangelism? Discover how embracing vulnerability and truth-telling can transform the church’s witness to the world.

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